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Archdiocese of Toronto launches new website

Posted : Jan-28-2015

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Welcome to the redesigned website for the Archdiocese of Toronto, a project intended to better serve the parishes and parishioners of this region.

We invite you to spend some time going through the new website (still at and explore the features now offered. You can follow social media feeds. Subscribe for automatic updates to news, events and updates on topics of interest to you. You can also watch videos related to archdiocesan events, right from the main page.

The development of this project has been 18 months in the making, a priority of the Pastoral Plan (effective communication/evangelization) and funded through the Family of Faith campaign. Our pastoral plan challenges us to evangelize society in new and creative ways, and we strongly believe this new web space will enhance these efforts significantly.

In addition to this diocesan website:, a number of pilot parishes have been involved in the development of this exciting tool and will shortly launch their own parish sites. We are grateful for their patience in the midst of these challenges and we will continue to work closely with them in the days and weeks ahead.

Following the public launch, another 35 parishes that have asked to be involved will be contacted, trained and added to the network. Eventually, the system will be available for all parish websites within the Archdiocese of Toronto. At present, we have approximately 100 parishes with no web presence.

Visit regularly to see how our online family is growing.