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Pre-Authorized Giving

►What is the P.A.G. Plan?

The Archdiocese of Toronto has established a Pre-Authorized Giving Plan (P.A.G.) to assist you in your support of the work of the parish through your regular parish offerings. The work of our parish is made possible through the giving hearts of our parishioners. In response to changing lifestyles and demands on time and energy, the Archdiocese of Toronto seeks, through the Pre-Authorized Giving Plan to assist you in your giving.


►Who looks after the Plan?

While the Archdiocesan Office of Development of the Archdiocese of Toronto administers the Pre-Authorized Giving Plan, the setting-up and cancellation of P.A.G. Agreements are done through the parish office. Contributions made through the P.A.G. plan will be acknowledged in the yearly tax receipt issued to you.


►Why should I Participate?

Advantages for the donor:

    • Convenience. Your offering is received automatically every month.
    • Continual support of your parish when you are away.

Advantages for the Parish:

    • Allows the parish to plan better through regular and dependable flow of contributions.
    • Reduction of paperwork and bookkeeping.


►How do I enroll?

This is how you make your gift through the Pre-Authorized Giving Plan:

    1. Decide the amount of your gift to the parish to be withdrawn from your account each month.
    2. Fill out the form and attach a cheque from your account marked “void” or the equivalent form from your bank branch. Please note that you would need to print out the form in order to affix your signature at the bottom of the form.
    3. Email the completed form along with a scan or photo of a void cheque (or equivalent document that shows your banking information) to the parish office (, OR
    4. Drop the completed form with the attached banking information in the Sunday collection basket.


►Why P.A.G.?

We are implementing this Pre-Authorization Giving Plan at the request of several Parishioners who have used it elsewhere in the past and found it meets their needs and lifestyle. This plan is not for everyone, but we are making it available to those who would want to use it.

We respect that giving is a very personal decision, but hope that the convenience and efficiency it brings might also encourage some parishioners to consider availing of this option. Those who opt for this program can still use their offertory envelopes and indicate “PAG” on the weekly envelopes.

Please note that the P.A.G. Program is only applicable to contributions made towards the regular Sunday collection, the parish building fund, and towards ShareLife.
Any other special collections are NOT part of the P.A.G. Program. 

We look forward to your participation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office.


►Cancellation of the P.A.G. Agreement

You may stop P.A.G. at any time by simply writing a letter with 30 days’ notice to your parish. If a withdrawal is not consistent with this P.A.G. agreement, you have the right to receive reimbursement. For more information on all your recourse rights, please visit or contact your financial institution directly.

NOTE: If your bank reports an “NSF” in any month there will be a charge of $5.00 to the Parish for each “NSF”. We regret that we will have to contact you to advise you of this event.


►Interested in setting up a P.A.G. Plan?

Download and fill out the authorization form by clicking here.
Please note that you would need to print out the form in order to affix your signature to it.