Header: RCIA & RCIC

R.C.I.A. & R.C.I.C.

RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

The RCIA is for adults who wish to become full members of the Catholic Church.

Non-Christians who wish to be Catholic are prepared for Baptism, for Confirmation, and to receive the Eucharist.

Non-Catholic Christians, who have already been Baptized, who wish to become Catholic, are prepared for Confirmation and to receive the Eucharist.

Adult Catholics who have been Baptized but have not yet been Confirmed, and/or have yet to receive First Communion are welcome as well.

The Sacraments are traditionally celebrated for the RCIA at the Solemn Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.

RCIC: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children

The RCIC is for children 7 years of age and older who are to prepared for Baptism, before receiving the Eucharist or celebrating Confirmation.

The Baptism for the RCIC is traditionally celebrated in the first week of the Easter Season. First Communion and Confirmation are usually celebrated within the Easter Season.

The most important part of the preparation is your participation at the Sunday Mass. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is highly recommended for the children. These sessions are in addition to the participation at Mass on Sunday.


Please contact the Parish Office by e-mail at StPatricksBR@archtoronto.org or by calling (905) 794-0486.