Header: An Evening for Truth and Reconciliation

An Evening with Father Cristino Bouvette

On 24 to 29 July of 2022, Pope Francis embarked on a “penitential pilgrimage” to Canada. The Pope’s journey came in response to invitations he received from the Church and the civil authorities in Canada, and from Canada’s Indigenous peoples themselves. The visit was focused on healing and reconciliation with the nation's Indigenous peoples who suffered attempts to erase their culture and identity. These injustices were perpetrated in the infamous historic government-funded residential schools system, with the cooperation of many members of the local churches.

Saint Patrick's, Wildfield (Brampton) had the honour of welcoming Father Cristino Bouvette (Director, Saint Francis Xavier Chaplaincy, Calgary) who was the national liturgical director for the Papal Visit to Canada in July 2022.

He is of mixed heritage: Italian through his mother, and Métis and Cree through his father. His grandmother attended a residential school. He was chosen as liturgical director because of his unique position “to have both those worlds that have come together,” that of Canada’s Indigenous peoples and the western European culture that brought Christianity to Canada. As a Catholic priest and man of Indigenous heritage, Father Cristino offers a unique perspective on the history of residential schools in Canada and the journey towards truth, healing, and reconciliation.

We are able to provide audio recordings from the evening in order that many people might be able to hear Father Cristino's message.

Read the scripture passages for the Mass (Wednesday in the 25th Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle I - Memorial of Saint Vincent de Paul

Listen to Father Cristino Bouvette's Homily from the Mass (~6 minutes)

Listen to Monsignor Owen Keenan introducing Father Cristino for the talk

Listen to Father Cristino Bouvette's talk (~34 minutes)

Listen to the Question/Answer Period with Father Cristino Bouvette (~47 minutes)

Listen to the closing remarks by Monsignor Owen Keenan

For more information about Indigenous Friendship Centres in the Toronto area and across Ontario, please contact the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres.