Hanging crucifix over sanctuary

Liturgical Ministries

Close up image of top of lectern, Lectionary open and black microphone centred with the lectionary
The Liturgy of the Word is an integral part of each Mass. Readers have a very important role in that Liturgy. They proclaim the Word of God in a way that is understandable and meaningful to the congregation.
View the schedule for READERS
Image of gold tabernacle with three white candles on a golden stand on either side. This is all placed on a wooden table
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers develop a deep love, reverence and devotion to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as well as a love for the celebration of Mass and serving the Eucharistic life of the community. They are acknowledged by the bishop at the request of the Pastor to assist the celebrant and other Ordinary Ministers during liturgy in sharing the Eucharistic body and blood of Christ.
Image of four lectionary books each of them colour-coded. First one orange second one blue third one green and fourth one red with a gold cross in the centre of each book
Children's Liturgy of the Word
The Children's Liturgy of the Word is a celebration of the Scriptures that takes place during the Mass. It brings the Scriptures to young children in a way that they can understand and respond to. Children's Liturgy of the Word is available at the Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m., and Sunday 1:00 p.m. Masses on most weekends from September to June. Children are invited to listen and learn about God's Word on their own level. The purpose of this Ministry is to present the week's Gospel to school age children in a language they can understand. Both the First Reading and the Gospel are read and discussions are prepared to draw out examples the children can relate to. The children are encouraged to take this learning and apply it to everyday life.
Click here for Children's Liturgy Resources
Altar Server bringing chalice
Altar Servers
These are those who assist the priest with the celebration of Mass. While usually children, youth, and young adults, there is also need and ample opportunity for adults to be part of this ministry.
Image of Oregon with a microphone added centre. Choir loft
Music Ministry
St. Augustine is attributed as saying, "He who sings, Prays Twice." Music ministry involves participation in one of our music groups providing musical accompaniment and encouraging musical participation at Saturday and Sunday Masses, along with other liturgies throughout the year.


Please contact the Parish Office by e-mail at StPatricksBR@archtoronto.org or by calling (905) 794-0486.