The Loaves & Fishes Campaign

January 2018: A Letter from Father Vito

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Patrick's Church:

Our first church was blessed in 1830, the second Catholic church in the Archdiocese of Toronto (the first being St. Paul's in 1822). Our present structure was erected in 1894, at the corner of The Gore Rd. and Mayfield Rd. At that time, through the preaching and healing ministry of Father Francis McSpiritt, along with local parishioners, pilgrims from far and wide reached out to this man of faith, in their longing for God's mercy and compassion.
As our mission expands, our needs have changed. Today, we require a larger place of worship and additional space for ministry and faith formation to flourish. We are excited to begin our Loaves and Fishes Campaign to build a new church.
The prayers and support of all our parishioners are vital to ensuring that our new spiritual home, and our important ministries, continue well into the future.
Therefore, I am asking you to prayerfully consider pledging your financial support to this Campaign in service of the archdiocese and St. Patrick's Church.
Yours in Christ,

Father Vito

January 2018

Father Vito Mariliano