The Loaves & Fishes Campaign

Campaign Goal

"You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity"
(2 Cor. 9:11)

At the time of the Campaign Launch, the projected cost for the new church, offices, hall, parking lot and related construction is $12 Million. While the "goal" in the graphic below is still set at this figure, we anticipate that this figure has significantly increased due to a number of factors, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We started the Loaves and Fishes Campaign with approximately $800,000 of parish funds already allotted towards the new building. The "Campaign Total" figure shown below is the sum total of this amount, donations from parishioners and friends, and proceeds from campaign events. 


as of 17 DECEMBER 2023
$ 4, 515, 904



approximately 38% of the estimated goal

Contributions to the Campaign can be made:

  • in-person using a blue "Building Fund" envelope found at the back of the church (or any envelope marked as such) - you may drop this envelope into the regular Sunday offertory basket
  • by mail, sending cheques payable to "Saint Patrick's, Wildfield - New Church Building Fund" to the Parish Office
  • online, using the Archdiocese donations portal

In order to commence the construction phase of the project, we needed approximately one-third of the total projected cost (an amount of roughly $4 Million). Again, this figure will have changed since the initial determinations were made. 

We are also participating in the Archdiocesan Family of Faith Campaign through our contribution of $175,875. You may visit for more information about this campaign.

It is expected that, from the Family of Faith Campaign, the Archdiocese will match our initial $4 million with an interest-free loan for up to five years. In addition, the Archdiocese has made available a further $4 Million loan at 4% interest, if needed.

To minimize the costs of borrowing and paying off the loans, we are asking parishioners to consider a five-year pledge.