
Gala Event 2024

Living the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes

“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many people?” John 6: 9

Welcome to the St Patrick's Church 2024 Loaves and Fishes Gala! This year's theme, "Feeding the Multitude," draws inspiration from the powerful story in John 6:9, where a young boy offers five loaves and two fish, demonstrating that even the smallest gifts, when shared, can bring abundance to many.

As we gather for this year's gala, we embark on a journey to raise funds for the construction of our new parish church. Although the physical structure is yet to be built, our vision is alive and vibrant, much like the Church of the Multiplication in Tabgha, which symbolizes the miracle of feeding a multitude with limited resources.

At St Patrick's, we believe in the transformative power of community. Just as the loaves and fish were multiplied through faith, our new parish will serve as a beacon of hope, unity, and spiritual nourishment. It will be a place where faith is lived, connections are deepened, and lives are changed.

We invite you to explore this webpage, where you can learn more about our mission, the design of our future parish, and how you can support us in bringing this vision to life. By contributing to this year’s Loaves and Fishes Gala, you are helping to build a spiritual home where all are welcome, and where the teachings of St Patrick and the Gospel will be celebrated and lived out for generations to come.

Together, through generosity and dedication, we will create a parish that reflects the spirit of love, faith, and community. Thank you for your support, and may the blessings of St Patrick guide us on this shared journey.